Cassandra Saturn
2 min readJan 15, 2021


Pyrrha Nikos will return in RWBY Volume 12 Confirmed!

Pyrrha Nikos, who died during the attack on Beacon. As result of her fight with Cinder Fall. it is now confirmed that Pyrrha did not die fully. The last words she said, was that she believes in destiny. During the time she was dead, it was revealed to be actually alive in another form. She had spent time in Soul Cairn, which is resting place for souls. Her death was interrupted by Death God and was subsequently placed back at Beacon with Life God. She spent seasons training herself. Staying out of sight and hidden from everyone. She will make huge appearance at finale of Volume 12.

Shadow team of RoosterTeeth’s reached out to me and said they saw the post on Facebook. They did indeed confirmed it in the live chat on messenger, I cannot exactly name whom, but they’re here.. among us in RWBY Unlimited group and other RWBY groups. Apparently they have been watching and taking notes. I just had to write this article soon as possible, I even gave them heads up about it. They’re quite fine with that, even gave a permission to publish.

They later also confirmed that JNPR will also return as well. They said here are also more future Volumes coming soon. And it includes more RWBY and JNPR teamups to combat enemies.

Cassandra Saturn, Founder of Saturn News Media



Cassandra Saturn

deaf Trans girl, well-known virtual cosplayer and gamer, streamer. real life version of Korra from Legend of Korra. popular Korra Cosplayer. Managed by her team