Feud between AvatarBook and Facebook’s Founders!
Cassandra Saturn, the Founder of AvatarBook. Avatar inspired version of Facebook has recently got into heated argument with the Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. the reports says she got into it when the Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was reportedly called her “bitch” because she made version of her own Facebook inspired by Avatar The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Although the actual site hasn’t gone live or been made yet. he blew his lid off upon hearing about this and contacted her discreetly on Her Facebook. after the heated exchange, she called him “Dickwad" and promptly left the chat. it went down on September 5th 2020 8:00 PM. Despite the initial argument, the agreement between Zuckerberg and Saturn remains in effect. the agreement between Zuckerberg and Saturn were about the her communities. in exchange for their stay, she wouldn’t get too naughty on Facebook. But she already bypassed the agreement with little bit of naughtiness. Zuckerberg hasn’t done anything about it.
the Feud still is simmering.. it might explode into full blown feud between both Founders.
Saturn was known to Facebook for years since 2008 as “troublesome woman” whom directly challenged Facebook constantly over its rules and laws, bans. Especially over role-playing and certain commmunities, even on her accounts. Facebook has her postbanned multiple times over posts that were dubbed “slander" or “bad" Facebook also were the one who Banned her original account permanently. that original account had well over 800,000 followers at the time of ban. Saturn returned to Facebook three years later and started new main account. She’s currently working hard to get her followers count back up to 800,000 again. She voiced her displeasure to Zuckerberg back then. things are still developing between the Founders.
Natsuki Sunrider, Saturn News Media Reporter