Decision to remove Block feature from Twitter turned X site could result in the X app from being published by stores like Google Store, could lead to permanent ban.

Cassandra Saturn
2 min readAug 21, 2023


Twitter turned X might be banned from publishing platforms like Google Play because of one feature.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter then turned X site could possibly be in legal trouble if he goes ahead with removal of Block feature which is standard feature and an global rule in publishing platforms to protect users from unwanted attention.

Elon Musk in spotlight for wrong reasons.. his unhealthy obsession with X letter.. dates back to early PayPal days. (X com days)

It’s likely that app could be banned from the publisher platforms across if that such feature is removed. The feature is reason why users have used it to move on with their lives without having to deal or see certain user.

Purah (played by Cassandra Saturn) who happens to be smart as Purah herself in Tears of Kingdom. Cassandra was dubbed Purah in real life by accident during her scientific discussions in science of Aging process in Humans.

Cassandra Saturn only had plenty to say about Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is individual who’s very obsessed with X letter.. for years since days. That’s very unhealthy obsession actually. However, his decision to rebrand Twitter as X will result in significant legal hurdles and troubles, issues. As case in point: the X app was blacklisted by security measures on all devices. And now.. the plans to remove Block feature is what will result in permanent ban from publishing platforms like Google Play because of missing feature. The decision is entirely because He hates getting blocked by others. So I’d say it’s pretty likely that’s what prompted the decision. He’ll be facing more issues later down the road ahead with all those changes that’s questionable.

~ Saturn News Reporter, Natsuki Sunrider



Cassandra Saturn

deaf Trans girl, well-known virtual cosplayer and gamer, streamer. real life version of Korra from Legend of Korra. popular Korra Cosplayer. Managed by her team