Cassandra Saturn aka Avatar Korra opens up to her fanbase after reaching her decision to tell the truth of what happened to her in her life.
Cassandra Saturn, best known as Avatar Korra decided that she would talk to her fanbase about everything that happened in her life. the decision she made wasn’t easy. it involved lots of things that people had no idea about or were not aware. even her less pleasant decisions.
Cassandra Saturn first spoke about what she did at young age.. when she was only 10 years old, she shoplifted 30 mood rings without realizing what “shoplifting" meant. she was subsequently caught for second attempt on mood rings. and her mother at the time caught her in the vehicle and returned the rings to store. it was that time she understood what “shoplifting" meant. she never did it again. it was period of time that here were no cameras in store.. of 1990s era. she was lucky, she didn’t get anything worse from her actions, it was first offense but no need for that. store owner let her off with one mood ring at the time.
couple of years later.. when she was 14, she was browsing Porn and had enjoyed it. she even looked at everything except gross parts. following the same time, she began to browse Hentai as well. looked at everything as well.
while she was 16, Cassandra was becoming very antisocial and silent, not very open in public.
at 18 years old in 2007, she visited ATG in Colorado Springs to meet Javelin, their fast jet and George Bye, the Founder of ATG at the time.
fast forward to 2008, now 19 years old. she began to open up to others on IMVU and Second Life. Cassandra wasn’t active on Second Life until 2013 that she was 24 years old. it was time and period of her experiments within herself. it was same year that she realized who she was. a woman. in this year alone, she became virtual cosplayer and virtual erotic cosplayer as well being erotica storywriter, virtual pornstar, designer and model of her own brand line on IMVU. her professions also expanded into Second Life. Cassandra also added web design and forum design to her list of professions it was year that her life had exploded into internet. of sudden, she had internet presence at the time. it had grown over the years since.
it was same year of 2008 that Cassandra and her mother began to fight. over many different things including her decisions as transgender woman when she came out to her mother in beginning of 2013. she had kept her secret as transgender woman from her mother for six years. of course, after opening up.. here was massive argument between Cassandra and her mother regarding the decision to become a female fully. her mother was very closed minded and didn’t like it. wasn’t open to acceptance of her only child being a woman. I must reiterate that Cassandra MADE her decision when she was 19 years old. Cassandra was very different person, very open minded and open book. of course that made it difficult for both sides to back down. since 2008, arguments between Cassandra and her mother have always been bad up to point that they were getting extremely dangerous and violent. in 2013, it happened. Cassandra was physically assaulted by her mother with steel pipe which Cassandra disarmed her quickly. the following week, Cassandra reacted out of anger and attacked her mother during the argument. it left Fractured skull and bleeding in brain at the time. in December 10th 2013 late night time, Cassandra was attacked by her mother’s ex brother who was racist and hated her because of her color and everything that comes with Cassandra. Cassandra suffered massive bleeding after being hit in head with wooden bar. it left her with hole of her face next to mouth on left side. at the time he was attempting to kill her as well. Cassandra also suffered PTSD from the attack for three years.
in 2014 year later, Cassandra and her mother had arguments again following their recovery. it got violent fast. Her mother tossed glass bowls at Cassandra and Cassandra retaliated with hand to hand combat, she punched her hard and kicked her down. she even once resorted to slapping her to keep her from getting combative against her. her mother even charged at Cassandra with knife, Cassandra disarmed her quickly again and tossed her ass to floor, restrained her. Cassandra also was hit and run over by her mother twice. of course, their relationship wasn’t getting any better. at some point in 2015, Cassandra attacked her mother with her hands. she punched her and kicked her around, even tossed her out the door and put her outside in rain.
following what happened, Her mother decided to assault Cassandra in her room and she hit her with belt, which enraged Cassandra. Cassandra broke the belt in half with her full strength and returned the attack to her mother. Cassandra grabbed her and choked her on floor, to point she nearly passed out. Cassandra tossed her out of her room and put her in living room. this was last time they gotten very violent with each other.
in 2017, Her mother and Cassandra reconciled, but their relationship was too strained to point that it’s almost not recoverable. Cassandra was beginning to get into her semester of her first College after passing the test in late 2016. but unexpected happened, they become homeless by November 2017 due to unknown reverse mortgage made by their late decreased family member, in this case.. Cassandra’s grandma. this led Cassandra to leave her College education to support her mother with homeless life. Cassandra was prepared for it at some point. they have been struggling for four years now. in 2021, they finally got a place to stay for their trailer and began to live here on year basis. but they know about the blacklist of their own seven years, they have three years left before they can begin to rent places again. this blacklist happened due to Tacoma Court voting in favor of others instead of Cassandra and her mother. at the time, Cassandra refused to come with her mother and show support for her mother because of what she did in past. of course, Cassandra and her mother had arguments while homeless although not very violent or loud like it used to be.
despite everything that happened, she knows she wouldn’t have made it far without her support of her friends and family, fans online before homelessness happened. especially her boyfriend of eight years. Cassandra really wants to change her life, she had trouble with it at first and had to face difficulties over the years. but she still struggles through. Cassandra considers her friends, her family and her boyfriend part of her life, her family. and that’s why she wants to open up to everybody about the truth behind her life currently. she confesses that everything she did wasn’t her best self but more of her own problems she had at the time to deal with.. in unfriendly way. she hopes that others can forgive her for keeping up with life is okay when everything on inside wasn’t okay.
Cassandra suffered so much in part to her decisions that affected her deeply especially with her actions taken against her own mother. it became her burden for years and it just kept building up on her heavily.
she never had choice to tell her own truth while it was happening so much. at the point, she just broke down and retreated into her own closed off world inside her shell. this was her only way to protect herself from dealing with her burden.
only man that helped her get through this was ironically her own father. despite being sick and old man, he kept her spirits up despite what happened between them years ago. he never allowed her to lose herself and who she was. this was what kept her from breaking down worse and badly enough.
she was strong, but also vulnerable to her own life’s choices. she persevered through it all, shows how much she values herself and who she is today.
Natsuki Sunrider, Saturn News Media Reporter