Better Future For Humanity

Cassandra Saturn
16 min readAug 23, 2019


The organization is designed by its Founder, Cassandra Saturn. BFH is dedicated to solve homelessness crisis as well to prevent violence and crime, further homelessness in the world.

Originally designed and created in 2005 as Humanity Act, it never came to fruition. It underwent massive updates and changes later formed into what it is today, as Better Future For Humanity. BFH solves all kinds of problems associated with Homelessness and disasters etc. The phases involved in creation of the Better Future For Humanity Center (BFHC) and its subsequent areas of BFH grounds.

Not long time ago, The Founder of BFH had made new phase that involved BFH and its grounds be moved to new select location far beyond the city limits. Set in an area surrounding the beach-like areas of lake, it would set to be a massive cornerstone of Cassandra’s latest design for her fellow human beings.

Now the location in question would be very scenic views of Mountain Rainier as backdrop against the Center.

Cassandra Saturn, aka Avatar Korra is Humanity’s guardian and protector for those who can’t defend themselves against those who are powerful, rich.. even though they are humans. She doesn’t tolerate human beings who will abuse, harm other human beings.

This is her phase one of BFHC:

This is totally unrelated to mine but I'll tell you about it.

My BFH, Better Future For Humanity is totally brand new concept redesigned from old concept of mine. While it is totally redesigned, it has life-changing benefits that everybody can benefit from.

Better Future for Humanity is no profit organization aimed at resolving Homeless problems across the United States and the world in general. The organization will start out in Puyallup, Washington State, located far from the city where it will be future home for BFH.

Here stands BFHC, Better Future for Humanity Center. It will have Admissions Office at front. next to the office is job resources to help them get job.

In back of the large building, it houses fitness gym, showers, hot spa, sauna, four large pools.

Fitness GYM - Private/Family
Showers - Private/Family
Hot Spa - Private/Family
Sauna - Private/Family
Pools - Private/Family

Pool #1 is heated, Pool #2 is not heated
Pool #3 is Heated with Jets for swimming practices and more. Pool #4 comes with everything Including slides.

In next building a most largest building ever, it houses apartment units of up to 2,000. spacious units complete with everything Including power, washer, dryer. spacious as in size of two story house. Entire unit is two story sided home, like sandwich. But very spacious. The bedrooms of four and washer/dryer is upstairs, living room and kitchen below.
Surrounding the apartments is variety of stores/shops for them to shop.

Clothing Store - Private/Family
Electrics Store - Private/Family
Food Store - Private/Family
Video Games Store - Private/Family
Movies Store - Private/Family
Medicine Store - Private/Family

Including Church for prayers and more.

Next to apartments in back is second largest... Pine Cone Forest with scented pine cones. Inside the forest is our largest RV Park, complete with secluded areas for privacy.

And that, my dear friends is first step in eliminating homeless problem.

Then her phase two of BFH:

I also have decided to add new plans to existing BFH plans today.

We're going to place walking trails around the center to apartments and RV Park for scenic views. i believe that even local animals will roam the areas probably.

New plans for the BFHC area near Apartments and RV Park now considered Phase II of BFHC:

Flower Gardens - Private/Family

Organic Gardens - Private/Family

2 Art Studio - Private/Family

4 Indoor Movie Theater - Private/Family

Outdoor Movie Theater - Private/Family

2 Urgent Care Medical Facility - Neutral/Family

Blacksmith and Woodworking Shop -Private/Family

10 Public Laundry and Restroom Facilities - Neutral/Family

7 Community Kitchens - Neutral/Family

2 Pierce Transit Bus Stop - Neutral/Family

2 Carpool Van Stop - Neutral/Family

Community Market - Neutral/Family

7 Meeting Spaces for study, hang out and discussions - Neutral/Family

3 Community Inn Bed & Breakfast - Neutral/Family

Large Outdoor Free high-speed WiFi with 1,000 mile in its range - Neutral

Large indoor Free high-speed WiFi - Neutral

8 Outdoor Kitchens - Neutral/Family

2 Outdoor Community Event Center - Neutral/Family

3 Guest Parking Lot - Neutral

Largest Convention Center - Neutral/Family

This is the phase two for BFHC.

She also added phase three which was EFA for natural disasters and repairs, updates to phase three:

Upon reading reports from all over the country, it is pretty bad news indeed... In response to this, i decided to include new plans that were shelved in 2005 after hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans and most of cities across the coast.. FEMA is no longer viable for citizens to rely on for help because FEMA only help those with high income which had higher damages than low income families does.

New plans are now considered as EFA, Emergency Fund Assistance to help those in need of funding to repair the damages caused by natural disasters.

Phase Three plan of BFHC has been formed.

These new additions include:

Free Air & Water Station areas for Vehicles

Free Charging Station areas for phones, indoor and outdoor. Won't have to worry about running out of power.

Solar panels will be mounted on rooftops of Apartments to provide free electricity alongside medium scaled Wind Turbines including solar panel ground version. Small scaled version of solar panel will be mounted on roof of charging stations too.

If here is a riverway, a watermill version will be used to generate power from it.

BFHC will be purely green-powered building that relies on its power from renewable energy sources than on traditional methods. This is the future for Humanity, a better future... very bright one.

Her phase four was bit of shock to those were unprepared for such statement:

Phase four of BFHC is made.

as part of protecting people, BFH will create United Nations Space Command and deploy UNSC to war torn areas alongside Task Force 141, which is created by BFH too. Unknown to the militaries around the world, UNSC will assume the role as peacekeepers for Earth and its Colonies. If here is any conflict between militaries from different nations, UNSC will step in to protect the citizens from harm and shut down militaries's abuse of power and use of weapons.

In meantime, BFHC will be having a fence & gates around the areas and the center, apartments, RV park to protect our members from dangerous people and animals, possible addicts as well for people who need safe place to sober up. BFHC will be adding a Soberity Center for addicts to recover. It includes all kinds of programs that covers every addiction including sex, porn.. As well booze.

New buildings near the BFHC will be built, it will be our own repair center for vehicles who need repair. It's gonna be very largest repair building, covering 45 vehicles, it will cover every make, model of vehicles including Bus, RV.

Next other will be our own Gas Station, the first of its kind by me. The new gas station will have 15 different types of fuel for vehicles, ranging from normal to biofuel and electronic as well.the prices will be locked as well, it won't take up too much of your money. It will be 3 bucks to 20 bucks for specific gallon. you pick the price based on the normal or biofuel, electronic. If that exceeds specific price such as 53 bucks, do not worry, it won't affect it, it stays locked to the price no matter what the gallon reading says. You never have to pay more.

Hell, it is a Free Fuel Station! I was kidding about prices haha :p so yes folks, you HEARD it right.

truly the first of its kind.

Phase five of hers was bigger improvement with big impact for people who rely on such services to help:

Phase five of BFHC is formed:

We're going to build a large waiting room for Better Future For Humanity Center, complete with six 55 inch HDTVs featuring random tv shows/movies for homeless people to sit down, enjoy while their time for admissions comes up. It will give them something to relax. Here will be free refreshments, food and games in next room that will be our large recreational room.

I'm not going to let homeless people having to wait all time for food area to open.

Meanwhile.. I plan to set up a tour of our facilities for homeless people to check things out here before they make their decision to become a member of BFH. that way, they can see how it works, how it's done.

a friend said i should follow my plans of BFH more.. Well, that's what I'm doing right now.

As for families with adult children, BFH won't turn them away. BFH welcomes everybody, regardless of their color, beliefs, disabilities, problems and more. BFH is more than happy to help you get through it.
Our Motto of BFH is:

Ask. Rehome. Kindness.
that stands for.. ARK. basically we are Humanity's ARK.

Cassandra’s frustration led to phase six that greatly improved existing phases earlier and shows an major promise to homelessness services, services that can be done quickly:

My mother and i are so frustrated with other organizations for helping out homeless people. They clearly don’t really care about homeless people. They just look down on them. This piss me off greatly. Which of course led to formation of Phase Six for BFHC.

Phase Six of BFHC:
We're gonna add more space to original BFHC building, expanding it by 3000 sq feet. This will allow Admissions Office to include ten large windows for clear communications plus offices in left side of the building where people can get help for housing. The offices is for housing interview to talk about what you need. Doing this will help get lines flowing smoothly. The large windows is about variety of options that is available.

Rent Assistance (to help with paying for rent costs/rent bills)

Weatherization (make sure your home is properly protected by all kinds of elements of weather)

Energy Assistance (to help with power bills, repairs and more)

Housing Assistance & Housing Authority (to ensure you keep your house or help you find a home, deal with issues that any problems is related to housing)

The reason i do this because the people need proper help, actual real resources, real help to deal with problems that happen in real life they have to be resolved immediately.

Phase seven was big welcome to the community who never had such idea on same grounds:

Phase Seven of BFHC has been created.

Expanding BFHC area and adding seven new buildings to compliment it. The seven new buildings are brand new university style college buildings. First building is dorm building for boys. Fraternity is allowed on campus. Second building is for girls. Sorority is allowed on campus too. The buildings will be on opposite sides of the university college.

In middle left next to the college building is our Security Campus/Police Campus building. This is for safety reasons as well to deal with any problems inside the BFHC area and outside of BFHC zone. Middle right next to SPC (Security Police Campus) is our EMC (Emergency Medical Campus) for medical emergency, from minor injuries to life-threatening injuries. This is done so our students can get best treatment.

Middle right of the college is our fifth building, whom we call SFC (Student Fitness Center) best and ideal for our students to get in best/stay in shape at any time near the college.

Middle far right of the SFC is our SPG (Student Parking Garbage) ideal for Students to park their cars. It will be four leveled parking building. It will also have charging stations installed for electric vehicles.

Lastly.. The College Building itself. It will be largest campus building out of all buildings.
The college building is called Saturn Community College. Appropriately named after Planet Saturn and my last name.

SCC features air conditioning cooled/heated classrooms, the rooms itself will have large heavy duty thermal windows to protect the rooms from changes in outside as well inside... so to keep temperature inside same. Plus the college features six large pools for variety of uses including recreational. One large gameroom of board games like billboard pool and chessboard.
next to the gameroom is video game room full of console games, including VR games and ten large 55 inch HDTVs for gaming. SCC's classrooms will include all variety of programs especially ones that are not part of standard curriculum by colleges. This will allow our students to have flexibility with any choice in selected field work.

Best of all.. SCC is first TUITION FREE COLLEGE.

Phase eight was first of its kind for families who live in vehicles:

phase eight of BFHC had been created.

In response to homelessness crisis across the world we have formed a safe place parking system (SPPS) that consists of safe parking vehicles for homeless who use and operates.

Tier Car Safe Parking (TCSP) is a program for homeless vehicles that consists of car, trucks, suvs, sedans, vans to park on BFHC's newly created Safe Parking Car Area (SPCA) a newly Parking Lot designed for homeless vehicles.

Tier Large Safe Parking (TLSP) is a program for homeless vehicles that consists of boxcar-like trucks such as retired commercial box trucks of small to large size, including retired commercial vans. Also included in SPCA. Trailers also are welcome.

Tier RV Safe Parking (TRVSP) is a program that consists of Recreational Vehicles of small to large, including RV Trailers too. They also have their own Safe Parking Recreational Vehicles Area (SPRVA) that comes complete with Hookups, Boondockings, Sewage hookups too. virtually just everything they need.

SPCA and SPRVA is located next to Apartments for easier access to their friends or families who may be residing here. This is done so that they don't suffer lot from being harassed by people, arrested or other. These parking areas also have 17 portable restroom including wheelchair accessibility versions. Available 24 hours every day and night.

Also.. If needed, all they need to do is go to BFHC's stores to purchase food, drinks from here. The stores are open 24 hours every day, night complete with public restrooms too.

Phase Nine was also a second big welcome to community as well:

Phase nine of BFHC had been created.

in additional response to homelessness, our financial resources from donations, one-third part has been diverted to purchases of RVs and RV Trailers, Trucks, Commercial Vehicles including retired Transportation Buses which will be cleaned up, inspected, maintained and fixed, updated. They will be re-sold as purchases for buyers, owners at our brand new Vehicle Dealership building that will be built right next to our fuel stations.

this is done so the customers can purchase them for affordable prices different from any vehicle dealership. Also we will be dealing with new Community Events designed to boost awareness for homeless people and financial situations for homeowners, how widespread the problems are really across the world in general.

Cassandra Saturn, the Founder of Better Future For Humanity will be speaking at the events with translators for deaf and hearing people. It includes fun activities that's for kids to attend as well.

The events are free admission, it will continue for 20 days.

Not only does it promotes awareness but does help promote "help your neighbors" program. Help your neighbors program is designed to help your neighbors who are facing difficult situation so severe that they need help, that's where you as the neighbor, you call in BFH to assist the neighbors in trouble.

Not all come to BFH thinking they can't afford it but in fact we can't afford to let families, even individual suffer the hardships of situations like becoming homeless. We come to help, assist in any way we can.

Phase ten was first for Transgender community to get major help:

Phase Ten of BFHC has been created.

In response to Trump Administration and @jazzjennings_ 's comments on transgender people's financial problems/concerns.

Cassandra Saturn, the Founder of BFH is now creating a new kind of Emergency Aid Package. Vastly different from normal Emergency Fund Assistance in use for natural disasters etc.

The EAP is nicknamed TEFA which stands for Transgender Emergency Fund Assistance for Transgender communities who need help funding for their transition progress and surgeries.
The funding ranges from $800,000 to $500,000 just enough to cover the costs.

"This is done so that others don't have to experience hardships and pain, suffering i had to endure, what others endured too. I'm here to give them that complete freedom to be who they are, embrace their natural beauty. Our freedom is created by our own love, choices to show ourselves who we really are to the world, why we shape the world."

Phase eleven is first of its kind designed for homelessness crisis that can be done to fix homeless problems:

Phase eleven of BFHC has been created.

The Founder of BFH has created a entirely new program that goes in line with its beliefs. The new program, called HWAP short for Homeless Workforce Assistance Program. Designed to help put homeless get a job on same day or a week to get proper preparations in place for new hires. This program was created alongsides its new Amazon-like business delivery service. BFH is now branching out from its humanitarian roles into product delivery service. BFH will construct its main delivery business Center and newly built warehouse for delivery to customers. The service is called Pan Delivery Service or PDS for short. The delivery will be international delivery Service catered to customers around the world.

Phase twelve, only first to be heard.

It involves space. Which is big deal among BFH because it’s main role of BFH:

phase Twelve of BFH has been created. In most shocking move ever made.

Cassandra Saturn, the Founder of BFH has made a massive move. She plans to build an entirely new program designed specifically to Space. That's right! Cassandra is starting a space program which actually has been BFH's main goal since its inception.

The Space Program is radically new, it even rivals NASA. Her space program is nicknamed CSAA short for Civilian Space Aeronautics Administration which actually monitors and trains future civilians for Astronaut training for operations in Space. Here, they will be entering a massive facility in Puyallup, Washington State. Over 80 acres of special facilities and buildings dedicated to Space.

Here will be a largest launch pad. Bigger than any launchpad in history. The reason for this is because she's building a brand new rocket that uses special fuel and special engine. CSAA will build a first real starship based on design of Outlaw Star in animated series "Outlaw Star"

Cassandra had this to say. "CSAA was created as concept many years ago that would replace, possibly help take over the role NASA has been doing for years.. But actually held back on development of space technology. We were supposed to progress, not to stop and keeping using that same, outdated technology! But at least SpaceX has proven everybody wrong. i was only one who believed in SpaceX, because i knew they can do the impossible. All this also gave private space companies a chance to do more for humanity.

So i decided to do CSAA as well. I just hope that I’m here to see NASA progress for real again.. Not stay stuck to same technology. Because it will eventually fail. SLS is ridiculous and very dangerous, ambitious project that will result in many deaths on building grounds as well for NASA Astronauts themselves. If NASA doesn’t do well with all that, then CSAA will be reorganized into UESA, United Earth Space Administration as replacement for NASA. Why UESA? That is correct question. UESA would be FIRST REAL global teamwork and collaboration on Space between our nations, all each working on same goal. That way we can get to space faster."

Phase thirteenth was massive welcome to community there:

Phase thirteen of BFH had been created.

In most amazing new move by its Founder, Cassandra Saturn.

The Founder of BFH, Cassandra Saturn has decided to move BFH'S original location to totally new spot in which all phases would be finally built. This marks the first time that BFH's role had been expanded once again.. This time to environmental and fun. This comes after Mrs. Saturn had concerns for her inhabitants/members of BFH. So what if it's not enough? So she formulated a plan to move BFH to much more better location, very distant, extremely far from city limits and city itself. It will be entirely devoted to nature. Everything will still be fully powered by solar and wind, water. It also will have its own power grid and industrial grade generac generator for power during nights and days.

BFHC will have its own beach resort here with waterfront scenic views of the mountains and mountain Rainier right here on its own lake. Entire area surrounding Lake was previously not inhabited until now. And the lake was appropriately named after Her mentor and guide in Cassandra's life. The whole area is named Korra Park and will feature a life sized Korra statue. BFH residents now can live on beach if needed to. The beach serves as alternative to pool swimming and more. It allows for more fun, freedom. The resort will have massive number of equipment and activities available for beachgoers.

Phase fourteen is very good concept of protection against harassments produced by people:

Phase fourteen of BFH has been created.

Cassandra Saturn, the Founder of the BFH has created a new program that's aimed at ending the racism & discrimination, harassment in workforce all over the world. It includes transgender protections that was in used by Obama Administration, now in use by Saturn Administration and its BFH, fellow programs even the other companies by her.

Workers can benefit from this.

Verbal abuses
physical abuses and harm
sexual advances
sexual harassments
transgender related offenses.

such offenses to others are subject to firing and any benefits related will be removed. Workers's rights are protected by the this law.

The cases will be throughly reviewed carefully to ensure the defendants is protected against the accused. This is done so with justice, honor and compassion. We will not allow such offenses to happen to others.

Lastly... BFH will be employing people including Transgender people, homeless or not. They will have a purpose, place to stay and do things. BFH also includes military roles for those veterans who were discharged from the armed forces.. as you know, UNSC is actively looking for those who hear the call of duty, to serve their nation & country against others that could destroy it all in one single strike. United Nations Space Command was created by BFH as defensive/offensive military with capabilities that rival the nations's military capabilities as well to end the wars that continue. UNSC ultimately are the last true peacekeeper force that will rid the world of weapons that was left over from previous wars so children don't have to suffer, lose their lives or limbs. ~ Cassandra Saturn

Many more phases still coming to come by this amazing Founder of BFH, Cassandra Saturn.

Natsuki Sunrider, Cassandra Saturn Reporter



Cassandra Saturn
Cassandra Saturn

Written by Cassandra Saturn

deaf Trans girl, well-known virtual cosplayer and gamer, streamer. real life version of Korra from Legend of Korra. popular Korra Cosplayer. Managed by her team

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